
Atkin's Diet

I am not going to defend or criticize the Atkins diet, which has been much talk about the conflict and controversy surrounding supporter of dismissive and critic.And I will remember and try to explain briefly the mechanism behind this type of diet from a scientific perspective. Atkins diet relies on Eating too much protein Proteins and reduce or give up eating carbohydrates (starches) Carbohydrates.
Amino acids Amino Acids (which are proteins) increase the secretion of the hormone Algelokakon Glucagon of the pancreas, which in turn leads to:

Break down glycogen Glycogen is stored in the body to produce glucose Glucose.
Prevents fatty acids Fatty Acids production of triglycerides of Triglycerides and burned in the body rather than stored as fat.
Induces the liver to produce fat bodies Ketone Bodies of fatty acids, which are used as fuel for the body.
Induces and maintains the production of glucose by the liver Gluconeogenesis from amino acids.
Reduces the body's production of cholesterol.
The final effect will be to increase calorie burning in the body and prevent the accumulation of grease or configure(Exchange energy Energy Expendature).

Glucose Glucose from carbohydrates increases the secretion of the hormone insulin Insulin from the pancreas, which in turn leads to:

Increase the passage of glucose from the blood to the various tissues in the body, and adipose tissue Adipose Tissue.
Incites store triglycerides Triglycerides Storage in the body in the form of fat.
Prevents break down grease Lipolysis in the body and reduces the use of fuel.
Induces the production of cholesterol.
The final effect will be to reduce the burning of calories in the body and the accumulation of grease or configure(Energy savings Energy Conservation).

After this simple explanation shows the importance of the balance between proteins and carbohydrates in the diet (food), increase in proteins in food lead to support impact Algelokakon in the body, and vice versa increase carbohydrate in Ataam lead to support the effect of insulin in the body.
D. Khalil Reza tangerinesFamily Medicine Consultant
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