Word must be said:
The consistently true believers at all times if they have heard the word of God and the words of His Messenger, and verified its authenticity should descend on implementation is hesitant and skeptical when that trust in the word of God and His Messenger blind trust if the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family "healing in three drinking honey The cupper and cauterizing fire and I cauterization "We learned that this talk is true we must believe in Him believes fully do not doubt it at that cupping means of healing significant, is not everything the Prophet Mohammad and his family does not limit healing them, but number means take any medicine by people as honey and ironing though he forbade him to hatred, but no doubt the results of any believer confidence in the words of the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace and blessings so Fujb We have to recognize that cupping and a means of healing and it is one of the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and his family and him and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family and him.
What is cupping?
Language: Size: any size sucking thing any of Events and الحاجم or cupper is what sucks, so launched the process of sucking blood: cupping and launched absorber: cupper.
Conversations contained in cupping:
1 - Jabir bin Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family and him say: "If there is something the incision of the best in the cupper, or a drink of honey or cauterizing fire cure the disease and like to be cauterized" Bukhari and Muslim.
2 - and Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family said: "I passed the night my family only fill out one of the angels said, O Muhammad over your nation cupping" Bukhari.
3 - Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family and said: "healing in three things: drinking honey and cupper, lacquerware fire and I cauterization" Bukhari.
4 - The Prophet and his family said: "The best of your medicines cupping" Narrated by Ahmad.
5 - Ibn Abbas said: The Prophet, peace be upon him and his family and him: "Yes slave blood cupper go and hide steel and Galloway sight" Narrated by al-Tirmidhi.
Cupping from a scientific point of view:
Syrian research on cupping:
Held group of Syrian doctors study on 300 cases and then treated by cupping with the installation of the circumstances in all cases the results were as follows:1 - in cases of high Homocysteine blood pressure dropped to normal limits.2 - In cases of low blood pressure blood pressure rose to normal limits.3 - there was a reduction in the speed of blood sedimentation (ESR) to within normal limits.4 - moderated ECG (electrocardiogram ECG) and the back of improvement in many cases and the return to a normal situation.5 - moderated the number of red blood cells.6 - falling hemoglobin to normal limits in the case of increase in all cases.7 - high hemoglobin to normal limits in cases of anemia (anemia), indicating the formation of new red blood cells and intact.8 - The number of white blood cells in 60% of cases to normal limits.9 - The number of white blood cells in pulmonary disease in 71.4% of cases.10 - The number of platelets in 50.6% of cases.11 - The number of platelets to normal limits in 70% of the shortages from the natural border.12 - the number of blood platelets to normal limits in 50% of cases rise from the natural border.13 - The number of (white blood cells) neutrophils (Neutrophils) and within normal limits by 100% of the cases in pulmonary disease.14 - The number of (white blood cells) neutrophils (Neutrophils) and within normal limits by 83.3% of the cases in asthma.15 - The number of (white blood cells) neutrophils (Neutrophils) in all cases the increase is natural to normal limits.16 - The number of (white blood cells) neutrophils (Neutrophils) in heart attacks increased by 76.9% and within normal limits.17 - percentage of sugar in 83.75% of cases and the rest of the cases remained within normal limits.18 - decreased blood sugar in 92.5% of cases.19 - decreased blood creatinine 66.66% of the cases.20 - increased the amount of creatinine in the blood of cupping in all cases.21 - decreased the amount of creatinine in the blood in people with a rise of 78.75% of the cases.22 - decreased the amount of uric acid in the blood in 66.66% of cases.23 - decreased the amount of uric acid in the blood in people with altitude by 73.68% of the cases.24 - decreased the amount of urea in the blood by 50.7% of cases.25 - decreased the amount of urea in the blood in patients with a rise of 80% of cases.26 - decreased liver enzyme (SGPT) or (AST) in people with altitude in 80% of cases and indicates this to increase the activity of the liver.27 - decreased enzyme (SGOT) or (ALT) in people with altitude in 80% of cases.28 - percentage of amylase enzyme (Amylase) in the blood in 54.9% of cases.29 - percentage of albumin Albumin in the blood in people with upside in 100% of cases to be within normal limits.30 - the percentage of blood cholesterol 81.9% of cases.31 - percentage of cholesterol in the blood in people with altitude in 83.6% of cases.32 - percentage of triglycerides Triglycerides in people with a rise of 75.5% of the cases.33 - returned salts sodium (Na) and potassium (K) to the normal limits in 90% of cases.34 - percentage returned salts calcium (Ca) to its natural value in 90% of cases.35 - percentage of enzyme (CPK) that appears with cases of angina pectoris in patients with taller by 66.66% of the cases.36 - The forms of red balls in the blood cupping of the withers are all abnormal.37 - count of white blood cells in the blood cupping less than a tenth of the quantity in the venous blood and this indicates a lack of the body's immune deficiency cupping.38 - percentage Steel Association (TIBC) in the blood of cupping is very high, ranging between 422-1057 while venous blood is 250-400 and this indicates that there is a mechanism that prevents iron out of the cracks cupping and keep it in the body to contribute to the building of new cells and may be associated with Activity process iron absorption from the intestine.39 - the higher the level of iron within normal limits in 66% of cases.40 - moderated ratio enzyme (CPK) in 92.4% of cases.41 - moderated ratio enzyme (LDH) in 93.75% of cases.
Microscopic blood cupping tests:
Cupping blood test under the microscope and found abnormal forms of red blood cells and were as follows:1 - Anisocytosis (difference in the size of red blood cells) Jat overgrown cells are found relatively normal cells.2 - Poikilocytosis (the difference in the shape of red blood cells) cells may be in the form of wire or pears.3 - Hypochromia (lack of hemoglobin "dye") is the lack of coloration of red blood cells seen in cases of anemia.4 - Target cells (cells Alhdwih) and indicates a lack of hemoglobin and generate mechanical blood disorder.5 - Schisocytes (red balls bifida).6 - Acathocytes (RBCs Echinococcus).7 - Spherocytes (RBCs spherical).8 - Teardrop cells (cells lacrimal).
After these analyzes and tests Committee issued its report was as follows:1) The forms of red blood cells in the blood of cupping in all cases abnormal always with a note that she was taking blood samples directly from the place striping and before placing cupping glasses lest Cups pressure affects these cells.2) a very significant reduction in the number of white blood cells by the blood of cupping and in all cases as number varied between 525 - 950 milliliter globule.3) low percentage of neutrophils in the blood of cupping.4) the high proportion of lymphocytes in the blood of cupping in all cases and ranged between 52 - 88%, which is in the natural state shall not exceed 35%.5) Capacity Association of iron in the blood cupping very high, ranging between 422 - 1057, while in normal blood should be between 250 - 400.6) the high proportion of creatinine in the blood of cupping.
Some cases dealt with cupping, God willing:
1 - First case:Hepatitis C virus Viral Hepatitis CSymptoms that were before cupping:Sense of stress and lethargy and loss of appetite with weight loss.An increase in the proportion of bile, but the ratio did not reach to the extent that it affects patient بالصفراء.Elevated liver enzymes as well as in percentage (PCR).
Been working two cupping and between sessions was 15 days, the symptoms still increased by 60% in the first session and by 85% in the second session and will, God willing, the work of a third session after a week from now hoping to be 95% cure rate, God willing.Pictures showing places cupping for C virus
Second case:
Asthmatic with inflammation in the airways:
Symptoms were difficulty in breathing and approaches, especially after physical exertion work.
Pain in the rib cage and sometimes cough with phlegm out.
Been working cupping one session and thanks to God still symptoms by 95%.
Pictures of places cupping on the chest:
Before striping
Asthmatic with inflammation in the airways:
Symptoms were difficulty in breathing and approaches, especially after physical exertion work.
Pain in the rib cage and sometimes cough with phlegm out.
Been working cupping one session and thanks to God still symptoms by 95%.
Pictures of places cupping on the chest:
Before striping