

Major depression (depression) Major Depression

Depression (depression) Major Depression is the main one major affective disorder Major Affective Disorders, and before you start lists symptoms of depression must mention the existence of a natural swing in emotion in every person no matter how old, sometimes feel sad and depressed sometimes feel joy and ecstasy, but this swing does not exceed normal limits him to the existence of mechanisms in the body to adjust it so that in the event of bypass these limits quorum can either depressed depression or mania mania.


Illustration shows the swing normal and abnormal mood

Clinical features and symptoms of depression:
Major depression affects 15% of the people in general at some point in their lives.
Major depression is diagnosed when a person is depressed Depressed and nervous Irritable Mood or has a lack of interest in normal (negligence) and happiness Anhedonia at least for a period of 2 weeks, along with four or more of the following symptoms:
1 - change in appetite, change in weight either increase or decrease.2 - Insomnia Insomnia or hypersomnia Hypersomnia.3 - fatigue or loss of energy.4 - agitation motor Motor Agitation which is much movement or failure of the movement Motor Retardation few and slowness of movement.5 - the feeling of being worthless and self blame Selfreproach or guilt Guilt Feelings.6 - decline in the ability to focus is to forget things and new incidents, and decision-making so they say yes I will shortly say no, and so on.7 - thinking repeated death or suicide.
Few patients major depression may be accompanied by psychotic symptoms Psychotic Symptoms - such as symptoms of hallucinations Hallucinations and delusions Delusions with the mood bleak and can appear in the form of "depression Mystery" Masked Depression and some patients are unable to describe how they feel psychologically, leading to the emergence of symptoms depression in the form of somatic complaints Somatic Complaints multiple and extensive, for example a patient complains of physical pain in several areas of the body or infected with IBS or complain of headaches and others, and the basic problem is depression and not physical organic disease.
Depression often occurs in the main Omar thirties or forties, but can occur at any age. And generally the situation heal spontaneously without treatment within 5 - 9 months. However, there are a large number of patients with major depression suffer from chronic depression is balmy Chronic Unremitting Depression or partial response to treatment.
Half of patients with major depression, after the first incidence of heart will suffer frequent bouts with a second bout of depression during the two years. Partial treatment or no treatment puts the patient at risk for emotion disorders (mood) in the future. And having a family history emotional disorder is common in patients with major depression and tends to predict the frequent occurrence of depression.
Most of the suicides are in people with passion disorders (mood) Mood Disorders, and many of them visit a doctor before attempting suicide. So doctors should always ask about suicide when evaluating patients with depression. Features that indicate the risk of suicidal behavior include:
(1) develop a detailed plan and method of the suicide process, as well as the existence of faith.(2) the presence of previous attempts at suicide.(3) inherent in alcohol or other use of psychotropic substances (drugs).(4) the presence of psychotic symptoms.(5) advanced age (older are more likely).(6) masculinity (sex of the patient, which happens more in males than in females).(7) Caucasian Caucasian (ie the fact that the patient of the Caucasian race).(8) social isolation (isolated patient people and not Hikhalthm).(9) patient diagnosed with a serious medical and severe.(10) the loss of something very dear recently or a deep sense of despair.
Depression and medical illnesses:

All categories of drugs used medically can cause depression or increase the intensity. But drugs that reduce high blood pressure, drugs that reduce cholesterol and pacemaker drugs are most caused the symptoms of major depression. Over the counter medications for high blood pressure and that causes depression is beta blockers Beta Blockers, and to a lesser extent, calcium channel blockers Calcium Channel Blockers. For this you must make sure that there is no iatrogenic depression Iatrogenic Depression in people who take steroids, antibiotics, analgesics, anti-tremor medications (disease Barconson) Antiparkinsonian Medications and drugs cramps Anticonvulsants (such as epilepsy).
20 - 30% of heart patients have symptoms of depression. In cases of cancer, depression affects 25% of them, but it happens in 50% of cases of cancer of the pancreas or the mouth and throat. In diabetes the intensity of change in mood associated with level of hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia (high sugar level in the blood) and the presence of diabetes complications or not.Depression may also occur in thyroid disease, whether hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism thyroid or hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism, nerve disorders diseases, AIDS and chronic hepatitis C (HCV) Hepatitis C (depression is getting worse with interferon therapy). Finally, some chronic disorders unknown reason accompanied by depression, such as chronic fatigue syndrome
chronic fatigue syndrome and Phippromedjia Fibromyalgia.
* Patients who have suicidal thoughts requires treatment specialist and psychiatrist may need to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.* Most cases of depression others uncomplicated (cases of major depression, which is not part of the periodic mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder) can be successfully treated by a doctor is a specialist mental illness.* Resolute intervention and successful treatment lowers the risk of relapse in the future.* Cases that do not respond fully to the level of treatment, must be converted to a psychiatrist.* Antidepressants Antidepressants are the backbone of treatment, improve the symptoms of depression after 2-6 weeks on the therapeutic dose.* When symptoms subsided depression treatment should be continued for a period of 6-9 months.* You must carefully follow the patient after the cessation of drug therapy and to the fact that relapse is common.* Combination of psychotherapy Psychotherapy with drug therapy Pharmacotherapy gives better results and longer lasting than the results of drug therapy alone.* بالتخليج treatment electrophoresis Electroconvulsive Therapy generally used in severe cases of major depression and that threaten the patient's life or that do not respond to medications or the presence of medical contraindications to the use of (Adwad contraindicated) Anti-depressants.
Dr. Khalil tangerines - Family Medicine Consultant - Kuwait

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