
Renal Stones

Urinary tract stones Urinary tract stones

Urinary stones or urinary stones consist either in the basin of kidney or urinary bladder. To review installation of the urinary system, click this link and his urinary tract. About 2% of the UK population (Britain) develop Bhsaat urinary tract in the period, and the incidence of higher calculi urinary record in the Middle East. Formation stones urinary tract diseases frequent and 50% of people Balhsaat will get Bhsoh or pebbles new through ten years following the date of onset of the disease.

Men are more urinary Balhsaat infections of women, and the ratio of up to any weakness, the proportion of male: female = 2: 1, and frequency of gallstones increases with the presence of metabolic disorder or a congenital defect in the urinary system.

Most urinary stones composed of calcium Ooxalit Calcium Oxalate with phosphate Calcium Phosphate, and is more common in men, and septic gravel mixed Mixed Infective Stones, which constitute 15% of the total urinary stones more common in women.

Urinary stones is not a disease of the diseases of the modern era, where it was discovered in Pharaonic mummy 7000 years old.

Mstbbat and configuration causes urinary stones:
Consists stone in the urinary system when some components of urine crystals (crystallize), which is usually dissolved in the urine. In the urine anti-crystallized materials to prevent these components (materials) of crystallization and deposition and then configure a pebble. And of anti-crystallized inorganic inorganic phosphate and magnesium Albairovosvat pyrophosphate and citrate citrate. And of anti-crystallized organic is Gelaakoz amino glycosaminoglycans and glycosaminoglycan Alinverocalcen nephrocalcin.
Factors which lead to the formation of urinary stones in natural persons:

Chemical composition of urine and its components prefer stones configuration.
Paul production center as a result of dehydration (dry) or live in hot areas or work in a hot environment (such as ovens).
Defect in the anti-crystallized substances in the urine.
Reasons known to form urinary stones:

Dehydration Dehydration, and is the lack of fluids (water) in the body of any reason, such as a lack of drinking water or increase water loss through sweating.

Hyper Alksameeh Hypercalcaemia: is a high level of calcium in the blood, leading to increased filtering and concentration of calcium in the urine and this in turn increases the chances of crystallization and deposition of calcium and composition Alhsat. And one of the most important causes of hyperthyroidism Common Alksameeh are:
* Hyper gland Aldiriqh (shrubs Spell) Hyperparathyroidism and for this reason the most common and the most important.
* Eating large amounts of (poisoning) vitamin D. Vitamin D intoxication.
* Ahlgrenawih disease, Sarcoidosis.

Hyper Albelh limestone Hypercalciuria:
Is to increase the concentration of calcium in the urine (put College of calcium in the urine), and is the most common cause in those who are infected limestone Balhsaat. And know limestone Albelh in male empty (subtract, excretion) 7.5 mmol mmol of calcium within 24 hours, and in females empty 6.25 mmol mmol of calcium within 24 hours.
Albelh limestone reasons:
* Hyper Alklsimih.
* Taking large amounts of calcium in the diet.
* Absorption of calcium from the skeleton, which can occur in cases of non-movement for long periods of time, as well as cases of weightlessness.
* Hyper Albelh limestone basic Idiopathic hypercalciuria, (idiopathic), its existence hyper mechanism in the absorption of calcium from the intestine and these benefit them reduce calcium in food and other mechanism is to increase the calcium leak through the renal tubules, leading to a secondary hyperthyroidism in the absorption of calcium from the intestine and These does not work with them to reduce calcium in the diet.

Hyper visible Alawksalih (Hmadih) Hyperoxaluria:
Is to increase the emptying (secretion, subtract) Alooxalit Oxalate in the urine and increase concentration, which leads to the formation of precipitation of calcium crystals Ooxalit Calcium Oxalate in the kidney, and the reasons for Albelh Alawksalih:
* Eat more foods rich Balooxalit, such as spinach and rhubarb and herb tea.
* Increase Alooxalit absorption from the intestine resulting from the reduction of the (lack of) calcium intake in food.
* Gastroenterology like Kazhon disease Crohn's Disease, leading to increase Alooxalit absorption from the intestine.
* Dehydration due to fluid loss through the digestive system helps in the formation of stones Alooxalit.
* Hereditary diseases lead to increased production Alooxalit in the body and moves format chromosomal recessive Autosomal Recessive Mode any must be inherited boy disease from both parents, and lead the disease to deposition and widespread of calcium crystals Ooxalit in kidney and leading to kidney failure at the age of adolescence or early twenties.

Hyper Alyorikimih of Hyperuricaemia excessive visible Alyorikimih Hyperuricosuria:
Form stones a 3-5% Aluorit of urinary stones in Britain, but in some countries in the Middle East account for 40% of urinary stones. Is the high level of uric acid Uric Acid in the blood and increase secretion and its concentration in the urine, leading to the formation of crystals Aluorit and form stones. And some genetic causes and lead to increased production of uric acid in the body and some due to increased division and cell proliferation, such as the case of polycythemia (increase in red blood cells) Polycythaemia Rubra Vera and skin psoriasis Psoriasis. Loss of fluids (dehydration) through the intestine leads to the loss of bicarbonate Bicarbonate alkalinity as well and this leads to the acidity of urine and deposition Aluorit crystals.

Infections (infections) device urinary tract Urinary tract Infections:
Septic mixed stones composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate
Mixed Infective Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Stones (struvite) with varying amounts of calcium. And this type of gravel is to be a pebble reefs StagHorn Calculus large kidney basin and stag horn shape resembles. And mechanism of formation of this type of stones, interpreted as due to infections urinary tract types of bacteria such as Albrootios Mirabelis Proteus Mirabilis and analyzing urea water thereby creating a base alkaline strong ammonium hydroxide Ammonium Hydroxide, and Hardat ammonium Ammonium Ions and alkaline urine prepares the appropriate environment for the crystallization and composition of stones.
Multi urinary tract infections UTI.

Albelah Alsistinah Cystinuria:
Increased secretion and concentration of cysteine ​​Cystine in urine as a result of an imbalance in the re-absorbed into the tubes (tubules) leading to renal deposition and composition of stones, and is a hereditary disease, and some patients have a defect in absorption in the intestine as well as cysteine.

Primary kidney disease Primary renal Diseases:
Primary diseases affecting kidney or genetically be congenital increase the proportion of Aasabh urinary Bhsaat, and polycystic kidney disease Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Kidney disease spongy pulp Medullary Sponge Kidney, in this case congenital (present from birth) be pipe University in dilated kidney leading to stagnation of urine and the deposition of calcium and then be stones.
Renal tubular acidosis Renal Tubular Acidosis whether primary or secondary, lead to the formation of stones as a result of sustainable alkaline urine and scarcity excretion Alcetrat in urine and also because this disease is accompanied by renal disease of the class Nephrocalcinosis which increases the concentration of calcium in the urine.

Drug Drugs:
* Some medicines promotes the establishment of calcareous stones such as diuretics Diuretics, antacids, corticosteroids, theophylline Theophylline (for asthma), vitamin D and vitamin C (HCV).
* And medications that promote formation Aluorit stones, aspirin because it increases the excretion of uric acid kidney, thiazide Thiazides (a type of diuretics for Paul), and allopurinol Allopurinol (used to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood).
* Some medications are deposited herself to be a pebble, like Andanavr Indinavir and Tri Omitrin Triamterine.

Bladder stones Bladder (Vesical) Stones:
Composition of urinary calculi in the urinary bladder of the urinary system is endemic in some Third World countries and the cause is unknown, but it seems that dietary factors play an important role, and some stones vesicales be originated from the kidney basin and I got the bladder. And configure these stones reasons:

Obstruct the flow of urine from the bladder Bladder Outflow Obstruction, such as in cases of urethral stricture Urethral Stricture, nervous and bladder disorder Neuropathic Bladder, and benign prostatic Prostatic Hypertrophy.
The presence of foreign objects in the bladder, such as catheter Catheter, catheter is a flexible tube enters the bladder through the slot urine to empty the bladder, and the people who can not empty the bladder of urine for any reason whatsoever.
People who have bladder stones have asymptomatic bacteriuria Bacteriuria, and the presence of large numbers of bacteria in the urine.

Simple ray of the abdomen showing the presence of a large number of urinary bladder stones (arrow). 

 Symptoms of urinary tract infection Bhsaat (urinary stones):

Most people who have stones in the urinary system does not complain of any symptoms.
Pain, infection is the most common symptoms of urinary Balhsaat common and frequent, and can be acute or intermittently in the form of renal colic Renal Colic, or dull pain and constant (pain in the back or loin).
In case of obstruction (blockage) to the flow of urine, diuretics or drinking large amounts of fluids increase the flow of urine and thus pain.
Pele bloody hematuria, the presence of red blood cells (blood) in the urine and are either microscopic or pellet be so much blood urine changes color to the color of blood.
Ureteral colic Ureteric Colic because of the descent of a pebble from the kidney basin of the ureter or cavity move pebble found in the belly of the ureter. And is one of the most pain knowledge globally, and move from one flank to the pubic and accompanied by sweating, paleness, vomiting, restlessness the patient and raging.
Urinary tract infections Urinary Tract Infections, and could be the only bidder for the presence of gallstones.
Vesical pebble, with the presence of bacterial pellet, causing dysuria Dysuria and frequency of urination Frequency and bloody Pele.
Tract obstruction (sewage) Urinary Urinary Obstruction leading to anuria Anuria, and is not completely the flow of urine, and the obstruction can be either in the ureter or urethra and cause pain as well.

Surveys and analyzes Investigations:

    Examine a sample of the urine under a microscope Urine Microscopy, indicating the presence of red blood cells (pellet bloody), as well as crystals.
 Under the microscope image of calcium Ooxalit crystals in urine samples.

 Under a microscope to image magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals in the urine sample.

Agriculture sample of Paul Mid-Stream Urine, taken from the middle of the flow of urine and to wash away the first urine urethra to remove the bacteria that is in the stream to get the best results.
Blood test to measure the level of calcium Serum Calcium, urea Serum Urea, salts such as sodium, potassium, chloride, creatinine Serum Creatinine, blood bicarbonate level Plasma Bicarbonate, which is low in cases of acidosis renal النبيبي.
Simple rays area abdomen Plain Abdominal X-Ray, can find a pebble urinary these rays and especially those that contain calcium and cysteine​​, and pebble Aluorit (uric acid) and pebble infections usually do not appear in the X-Mini.


Intravenous urography Excretion Urography, and known colorful custom-ray, and the patient is given dye intravenously and then portray the urinary tract during transfer dye with urine in the cavity (tract, sewage) polycarbonate. These rays show and its pebble and also indicate the existence of any defect or primary renal disease or urinary tract obstruction. In these rays are dangerous dye allergy and takes a long time for filming.

Colored rays show urinary tract obstruction in the left side and the presence of stones in the ureter (red arrow), the green arrow points to the kidney basin widening as a result of the obstruction (ascites kidney Hydronephrosis).
CT CT Scan, faster than the colored rays and there is no risk of allergy to the dye, and can be diagnosed with any kind of stone.
Chemical analysis of the Pebble Stone Chemical Analysis If I went out to see its kind, for example, pebble cysteine ​​will indicate the diagnosis directly (pebble configuration or cause disease), as well as pebble Aluorit.
Measuring calcium excretion, Alooxalit and uric acid in the urine
Urinary Calcium, Oxalate and uric Acid Output.
Analysis to investigate the pellet cysteine ​​do a simple test to confirm works chromatography urine test Urine Chromatography to diagnose the condition.

Therapy Management:

Pain reliever.
Drink lots and lots of fluids (water) or intravenously.
Stones with a diameter of 0.5 centimeters can go out alone and do not need to intervene, while stones with a diameter greater than
1 centimeters, preferably intervention to remove them.

Reasons claims intervene surgically to remove urinary pebble:

1 - constant pain and did not move or pebble graduated.
2 - large pebble-sized and can not go out through the urinary tract.
3 - pebble causing sepsis (infection) chronic urinary stream.
4 - pebble causing damage to the kidney tissue or continuous bloody calamity (bleeding in the urine).
5 - pebble increased size during patient follow-up.
6 - pebble blocking the urinary tract, causing anuria.

 Picture of surgically eradicated kidney to damage because they contain a large pebble reefs Staghorn Calculus.

These days and with the development of medicine in the field of surgery, operations have become open surgery (laparotomy) are not necessary to remove urinary stones, except in rare cases such as a large pebble reefs or that did not come out with the use of other available means. And of these operations:

1 - extraction of kidney stone through the skin Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy and used when a large pebble in the kidney or when fragmentation can not be used, and the process is done hard small hole (1 - 1.5 centimeters) in the skin, and then create a channel (route) between skin and kidney under the guidance of Radiology and the introduction of the telescope which renal Nephroscope to determine the exact location of the stone and take them out. And if a large pebble and can not take them out through the course can be subdivided using the tool for this purpose into smaller parts and then removed laparoscopic.
Flash movie is how to break up and remove kidney stones during laparoscopic skin. Click on the green button with the mouse.

2 - endoscopic ureteral stone extraction Endoscopic Ureterolithotomy through the urinary bladder using binoculars ureter Ureteroscope, endoscope is passed through the urinary bladder over a pebble and then pulled out of the body to a network (network Dormaa) Dormia Basket opening of the telescope. Some large stones in the ureter pay for kidney basin by the telescope and then fragmenting it or remove laparoscopic kidney through the skin.
3 - pebble extraction of the urinary bladder Laparoscopic Endoscopic Removal of Bladder Stone using cystoscope Cystoscope, and can also break up large stones first and then removed laparoscopic.

And is a lithotripsy in the urinary tract by shock wave (waves) to small stones can express through the cavity of the urinary tract to the outside of the body. The patient is placed in a basin of water and given shocks and modern appliances water used pillows instead of the water basin.

Methods of prevention of urinary stones Prophylaxis:
Prevention methods vary depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease and the type of stones.


* Drink plenty of fluids (water) so that the volume of urine from 2 to 2.5 liters per day, especially for those living in countries with hot weather or working in a hot environment must drink large quantities of secretion of this amount of urine, and also taking into account that always be the color of your urine light yellow, not dark.
* Drink a large glass of water before going to sleep, as well as if he woke up during sleep.
* Reduce taking calcium-rich dairy products.

Hyper Albelh limestone basic Idiopathic Hypercalciuria:

* Reduce drinking milk and eating calcium-rich cheese and white bread, which is supported in calcium and vitamin D in some countries, such as Britain.
* Avoid eating vitamin D tablets.
* Avoid foods that are rich in Balooxalit because minimize taking calcium increases Alooxalit absorption from the intestine.
* Drink plenty of fluids (water), and who live in areas where heavy drinking water (calcium content is high) prefer to drink water light.
* Thiazide diuretics THiazides like Bandarovluzaad Bendrofluazide, can be used because it reduces the secretion of calcium in the kidney, but have negative effects, such as raising the level of sugar in the blood, raising the level of uric acid in the blood, as well as raise the level of cholesterol in the blood.
* Reduce taking sodium (salt) in the food because if increased sodium excretion in the urine increases the excretion of calcium as well.


* Drink plenty of fluids (water).
* The use of antibiotics (against bacteria in the urine) as prophylaxis of a urinary tract infection (infection) to those who are suffering from chronic inflammation of the urinary tract.


* Change the quality of the food has little effect and does not work and its application difficult.
* The use of a drug allopurinol Allopurinol, which inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase Xanthine Oxidase and xanthine which converts Xanthine soluble in water to uric acid Uric Acid least soluble in water. Which reduces the level of uric acid in the blood and also excreted in the kidney.
* Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Bicarbonate make the urine more alkaline, which helps to soluble uric acid in the urine and prevent it from gelling and sedimentation, and for those who can not take Aloloubeyoreynol for some reason. But, the problem lies in the alkaline urine that promote the deposition of calcium and phosphate.
* Drink plenty of fluids (water).

For people Balhsaat Alsistinah Cystine Stones:

* Can prevent the formation of cystine calculi by drinking large amounts of fluids, 5 liters in 24 hours. This means the patient must waking up twice to drink 0.5 liters of fluid (water), and some patients can not tolerate it.
* Drug penicillin Secretary Penicillinamine, combined with cysteine ​​to be a composite penicillin Secretary - Cistayen Penicillinamine-Cysteine ​​most soluble. Drug dissolves gallstones Alsistinah formed in the urinary tract as well.

Hyper Albelh Alawksalih Hyperoxaluria:

* Drink plenty of fluids (water).
* Reduce the intake of foods rich in Balooxalit Low Oxalate Diet.
D. Khalil Reza tangerinesConsultant Family Medicine - Kuwait
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