


Properties of tomatoes.

Simple points show us the benefit of any tomato tomatoes.Rich in a lot of beneficial nutrients such as basic metals and a number of essential vitamins.
Antioxidant maintain the health of the skin and skin.
Nutrition experts point out that the tomatoes have some medicinal properties as they reduce the rates of pancreatic cancer and cervical cancers, plus they reduce LDL cholesterol. And thus decrease the incidence of heart disease and hardening of the arteries.
A recent study confirmed that a cup of tomato juice a day at least contribute to reducing weight, especially if the juice within a specific diet program.
Specializes tomatoes Medical unique characteristics from the rest of the vegetables, it removes germs lingering disease in the body, natural and open channels in the body, and to activate the movement of college.The lead tomato juice to cleanse the stomach and intestines and removes indigestion and expels gas from the abdomen and treats constipation.
Tomatoes contain iron is easy to digest, so people with anemia are advised eating tomatoes and tomato juice, and can give people with fever tomato soup ease Allalam.
For more of the benefits of tomatoes must be addressed Bakcherha, has revealed research for the National Center for Nutrition that tomato fruit is one of the more vegetables benefit to humans, because they contain phosphorus and iron in addition to calcium salts, potassium It is also a good source of vitamin "A" and vitamin "A" , and that the outer shell of more tomatoes contain vitamin "c" of the fruit itself.
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