
Photo practical application of clinical pharmacy?

Photo practical application of clinical pharmacy?
Let's take a quick look at the goals of clinical pharmacy:Maximize the benefit of using drugs by giving the most appropriate dose for each patient at the right time and in an appropriate manner.
Reduce the risks resulting from the use of medicines such as side effects or errors in the description or taking medications.
Reduce spending on drugs by ensuring optimal use of the drug in each case satisfactory.
And can be divided into stages that contribute to clinical pharmacy as follows:
Before prescribing: and that by participating in the development of drug policies that achieve the optimal use of each type of medications and different therapeutic protocols.
During prescribing: through collaboration with the physician in choosing the optimal dosage and calculate the appropriate dose for him. Also make sure that there is no interference or interaction between drugs and each other.
After prescribing: by monitoring patient is irregular in taking medication, and explain how best to use him. Or prepare the patient's dose in the case of drugs that are taken intravenously.
Can also clarify some positive intervention images which can be achieved by the pharmacist as follows:
Preparation medicine: particularly injection drugs or those drugs that you need to fine-tune the dose or require special methods to prepare such as chemotherapy for cancer. And often this is done in designated areas so you know the preparation room and be sterile.
Administering medication to patients: pharmacist cooperates with the nurse in how to give the medicine to the patient and time of administration in the case of injection, or timing for food in the case of the disks.
Providing information for patients, doctors and nurses: this very important point of the clinical pharmacist's work as keen on the availability of information about medicines for each category the picture to suit them and make the best use of the information.

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