
Basic Concepts in Pharmacology

Basic Concepts in Pharmacology
The most important concepts and terminology pharmacological and that we passed and will pass throughStudy Material Pharmacology, we will try to approach them more and more clarified, hoping you interact with us andAdd more new Abdaekm inexhaustible ... 

1 - Pharmacology: Pharmacology study interactions between chemicals and devicesOrganisms. 
2 - Drugs: Drugs affect the materials organisms devices, and the chemical level(Bio). 
3 - receptor drugs: Drug receptors molecular components of the body interacts with medication to makeDifferent effects.
 4 - Clinical Pharmacology: Clinical pharmacology study of drugs used to diagnoseAnd treat diseases and their prevention. 
5 - Alvarmacodanamikih effects: Pharmacodynamics study medicine acts on the body, andThis includes interaction with the receptors, the phenomenon of dose - response, and mechanisms influencing therapeutic and toxicOf drugs. 
6 - Pharmacokinetics: Pharmacokinetics study body acts on medication, and includesAbsorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Getting rid of the drug is either by metabolized orAtaraha. 
7 - future Receptor: a vital organ components and the associated medication to make a difference inThe function of this device.8 - future site Receptor site: a specific region of the molecule associated future medicine. 
9 - Riser (imitator) Agonist: drug does his future with the association.
 10 - anti-(anti) Pharmacokinetics Pharmacologoic antagonist: a drug associated with its future withoutDo.
The impact by increasing the dose of the riser. 

12 - anti Inverses Irreversible Antagonist: Anti drug can not overcome the impact of cross-Increasing the dose of the riser.13 - size distribution Volume of distributionRatio of the amount of drug in the body to focus on plasma or blood. 
14 - Liquidation: ClearanceSpeed ​​ratio to get rid of drug concentration in plasma or blood. 
15 - Half-Life: Half lifeThe time required to lower the amount or concentration of the drug to 50% of its previous value, this number remains constant regardlessOf focus and for which drugs are disposed of except by first class kineticsFirst order kinetics. 
16 - Bioavailability: BioavailabilityIs part or percentage of the administered dose of the drug that reaches the systemic circulation Systemiccirculation.
17 - First - pass effect
Is to get rid of the drug, which is administered but before reaching the systemic circulation, for example, while passing throughIntestinal wall, portal circulation Portal circulation, liver and after giving him oral sex.
18: Phase I reactions
Turning original drug reactions to the product of more polar (more Anhlala water) or more output
19: Phase II reactions
Interactions increase the dissolution of the water and through conjugation drug molecule polar materials such asAlgelokoronat or sulfate. 
20 - isotopes enzymes: CYP isosymesAre the types of cytochrome P450 enzymes, such as CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, and isResponsible for most of the process of metabolism (metabolism) medication, and have been identified for many of themMost famously described above.
 21 - induction of enzymes: Enzyme inductionStimulate the ability to metabolize the drug, and usually occurs in the liver in the form of an increase in the synthesis ofNetwork smooth internal plasma (which contain high concentrations of enzymes Phase I). 
22 - glycoprotein: P-glycoproteinAuthorized carrier molecule ATP, an important regulator of intestinal transport of drugs, there are manyCells, including epithelial cells and cancer cells, this part would expel drug moleculesCytoplasm (intestinal mucosa) cell to the outside space Extra cellular space,The drugs that inhibit this carrier similar in mechanism of action drug metabolism inhibitors and through the greaterBioavailability and can cause toxic plasma concentrations of drugs given in casesNormality.Is verapamil, and some components of grapefruit juice of the most important of these disincentives, is allDigoxin Digoxin and cyclosporine Cyclosporine and Alsaquoinavar SaquinavirOf drugs that are expelled in the natural state by this carrier, and thus become moreToxicity when given with this glycoprotein inhibitors.

23 - act: Adrenergic

Nerve ending nerve ending liberation epinephrine light, and is the primary carrier, and also launches clamp synapse which is basic light tanker epinephrine.

24 - Adrenergic future: A drenoreceptor

And associated future Atfl one vector Alkatikolaminih act catecholamine transmitters (light epinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine) and similar medicines.

25 - cholinergic: Cholinergic

Nerve ending nerve ending acetylcholine release acetylcholine, and is the primary carrier, and also called the synapse synapse which is basic tanker acetylcholine.

26 - cholinergic future: Cholinoceptor


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