
Lunch is the drug

Your food your medicine!!While young people suffer from a lack of fitness and eating empty foods cause them to obesity and diseases ..

Fast food outlets and spread among children and adolescents

Reports and studies of vitality and fitness of children and adolescents to be more than a third of them in AmericaHave the defect and failure to fit, and this means they are more dangerous to heart disease with age have.I think through simple experiments that number by more than half in our country, and therefore we must pay attentionTo this problem and to suggest that sport, food and dietary habits when children need to be addressed, especiallyThese factors food and lack of sports has to do with weight gain and many problems in children, and whenI read the results of research have been printed and published in the Journal of the American Medical, which examined the prevalence of lowFitness and lack of activity when young people from 12 years to 19 years and unfortunately they found that the percentage of more than33% of them are characterized decently low ((Low Fitness. Personally, I think that this age group in AmericaMore fitness class we have in our country for many reasons will not be surprised if we found the youth of - 1912 years we haveMost of them suffer from a lack of fitness was not interested a large number or percentage, but I'd hereThat the lack of activity, vitality and fitness lead to weight gain in children and this increase may be dangerous haveWith age, and I think that the increase in youth obesity observed it in a rapid increase and multiplyWhere we found spread largely in our societies.

I want to explain that the fear of weight gain when young people (boys and girls), not because it may lead toOnly health problems such as heart disease, high cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes, but fearThat these category may suffer from a decline in confidence esteem (Low self - esteem) and anxiety (depression)As a result of overweight and obesity from which they suffer.

As in many health problems, prevention is better than cure and prevention may be much easier thanTreatment and plays the role of parents or home to reduce this problem.

The role of parents:

Notes that teenagers or children who can connect and communicate with the mother and father and be up thereMinutes and close to the parents will have a major role in providing and choose health Alogdah, as well as their influenceOn healthy eating habits. Notes that near the parents to their children has a significant impact in providing proper breakfastHealth as well as food and the provision of fruits and vegetables that have a significant role in reducing weight gain. It has provenSurveys that 80% of the students who were told that there is a correlation between them and their parents eat fruitAnd vegetables at least once a day, compared with only 51% of those who do not between them and their parents a link.So it is important that the parents set a good example for parents in all things, but it's in nutrition be noticedWhere he left son deals with what he wants, this matter will have a serious role to ingrained bad eating habits.

Healthy meals:

The role of the mother and father in influencing their children not just sit with them and this is important, but mustThe mother care to prepare diets rich with good taste, and through the preparation and processingSome diets taste, color and smell which attracts teens to eat well to give themEnergy and essential nutrients to him, and that parents play an important role in being a good example for the children inFood and eating food and reduce empty where it should not prevent children from eating it is the parents whoCapturing the, this will have a major role in the rapidly changing habits.

Some ways to reduce obesity in children:
Sports: through previous studies, it is clear that the problems faced by teenagers is lowAnd lack of fitness, and therefore it is to reduce obesity, it should take care to children, adolescents and young adultsAction Sport at a rate of 30 minutes per day and increased as well be the best sport and movement have a role in reducingOf weight gain and raise the level of activity.

Limit sweetened beverages:
In the House of Commons must reduce sugars greatly, especially that comes through some sweetened beveragesSugar, such as soft drinks, as well as drinks manufacturer of chemicals and all these fruit flavorsDrinks empty food to know which is which provide the body with energy only, without any nutritional benefits, there is noAny vitamins or minerals or fiber so they are bad habits that increase obesity and weight gain.

Reduce television viewing:

The frequent watching TV a major role not only in the fitness loss and weight gain, but that this has no effectTo change dietary habits, where he unfortunately be announced some empty food products whichNotes that children and adolescents are changing their habits and behavior and accept them leading to change their habitsFood and their behavior to the behavior of the wrong diet so it is advisable to limit television viewing timeLong and monitor what they are watching and introduce them and make them aware of all that displays, especially when propaganda. We mustProvide good food at home and be careful not to insert empty food and which have a significant role in the increaseWeight and the incidence of various diseases from obesity and weight gain, hypertension and cholesterol and the endHeart disease.

In the end: We must also educate and Tfahim kids that food a key role in maintaining the health ofAnd all what Atnolnh in these early ages will have a direct impact on their health in old ageAs the food a key role in reducing health problems and diseases, where it must be emphasized that the dietYour medicine .......

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