

Its importance
Halothane is a radical element in the list of essential drugs to the World Health Organization and that list includes the minimum required drugs for patient care.

Advantages and instructions for use
Characterized by halothane its effectiveness and lack of creation of irritation, and his gentle influence in the induction of anesthesia, and it was really nice when inhaled, and rarely causes coughing or holding your breath, and although these benefits fell currently used because accompanied with severe hepatotoxic.
Occur hepatotoxicity commonly when repeated exposure to halothane and cause this case a high proportion of deaths, and it seems that the risk of hepatotoxicity severe increases with exposure repeated during intervals short, however recorded some cases that developed the condition jaundice in patients susceptible exposed to halothane intervals long (sometimes several years). There are no reliable method relied upon in determining so sensitive patients are advised to take the following precautions before use:
1 must be taken biography patient in the previous anesthesia accurately to determine the pre-exposure and previous reactions to halothane.
2 should avoid repeated exposure to halothane within a period of less than 3 months.
3 The presence of the biography of jaundice or high temperature is interpreting the patient after exposure to halothane is contraindicated for use in the future in this patient. [2]

Mechanism of action in anesthesia
Cause halothane inhibition heartily respiratory, and lead inhibition respiratory high tension dioxide carbon arterial and may lead to disorders systemic ventricular This requires avoiding infiltrates adrenaline in patients who have been drugged with halothane, and halothane inhibits muscle fibers heart, and may cause slower heartily and declining output cardiac and arterial pressure drop.
Happens halothane muscle relaxant average, but this may be softening is not enough to make major abdominal surgery, so resort to the use of quality muscle
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