

Sunscreens are necessary to use for all age groups and for protection from exposure short-and long-term to the sun's harmful rays, and must use such condoms with the need to adhere to the advice of safety when exposed to sunlight.
And cause excessive exposure to sunlight pain or redness or burning of the skin, and in the long term - in the case of young people - may result in exposure to sunlight to skin cancer. The long-term exposure to the sun at different ages for skin cancer or skin wrinkles or the appearance of freckles or spots on the skin or cause expansion in the blood capillaries on the skin or change the shape of the skin.
What are the risks of sunlight?
Sun produces two types of radiation: visible and invisible. And know-ray invisible ultraviolet (UV) and classified into two types: a (UVA) and b (UVB), and cause UV type (b) most of the health problems resulting from exposure to the sun, such as suntan and heartburn skin and Tdharrh. The all harmful UV health.
Protect yourself from the sun
Contribute sunscreens effectively protected from damage or the appearance of freckles on the skin and reduces the possibility of skin cancer. And featured many of sunscreens with broad impact in the protection from ultraviolet rays (a) and (b).
Even in the foggy air, it is recommended to use sunscreens.
And do not provide full protection sunscreens from UV rays, but advised to avoid exposure to the sun for long periods of time even when the use of such condoms.
And indicates factor sun protection (SPF) over the protection and sunscreen to the skin, where the higher figure (SPF) greater the protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation damage, especially resulting from radiation (b).
How sunscreens provide protection for your skin?
Working sunscreens absorb and reflect and deflect the sun's rays from the skin. These condoms are available in several forms such as ointments, creams and gels (generation) and lotions and sprays and nonsmoker in the form of wax patches, each of which have a protection factor (SPF) is selected.
And protect and sunscreens and wide influence of both types of UV (a) and (b). And to better protect from the sun's harmful effects such as damage to the form of the skin and inflammation of the skin and skin rashes.
Which consists sunscreens?
Consists sunscreens that prevent UV (b) of some or all of the following materials: padimate or (padimate O) Humuslat (homosalate) Octal methoxy cinnamate (methoxycinnamate) Pinzufinon (benzophenone) Octal Saleslat (octyl salicylate) polyvinyl Pinzemadzul sulfonic (phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid) Octokrlin (octocrylene). And add Aoxapinzn article (oxybenzone) or Avobinzn (avobenzone) to make condoms widely influence to prevent further UV (a).
The article Almixworal (Mexoryl) proof UV (a) and is characterized by its products protection factor (SPF) High.
What is the optimal use of raincoats sun?
Preferably use sunscreens half an hour before sun exposure. And you must use sunscreen every two hours and after a shower even when using sunscreens with water resistant property. Should also cover sunscreens all parts of the skin exposed to sunlight. Not put sunscreens on the eye and instead advised to use sunglasses to protect from the sun's rays.
Tips for protection from the sun
• Use protective waterproof sun with a protection factor (SPF) 15 at least to protect against both types of UV (a) and (b). Repeated use a condom every two hours even in cases foggy atmosphere and after bathing.
· Be sure to wear clothing that covers most of the sun-exposed parts and carnivorous eye wear sunglasses.
Avoid staying long in the sun to stand in the shade and remember that the intensity of sunlight peaking between ten o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the evening.
· Side of your children playing in the sun and use sunscreens to protect them and follow them the same advice.
· Coastal areas near the sea more dangerous and potential risk of heatstroke.
· Prefer eating natural foods for vitamin D and avoid sun exposure for this purpose.
Avoid the use of tanning beds and the idea is basically similar exposure to sunlight contains ultraviolet rays may cause skin cancer or blisters. If you want to give brown color on your skin use tanning products with the need to use sunscreens with it.
What you need to know about skin preparations nailing?
Used nailing skin products and solutions as an alternate to spray artificial tanning beds. These products contain the Dai-hydroxy acetone (dihydroxyacetone), which interacts with a protein of the skin to produce a tan known that would not go away laundry. For these products protection factor (SPF) does not exceed 4 and this is not enough to protect from the sun, but must use blinds at least a protection factor (SPF) of 15 and must be used every two hours.
Do not forget to:
· The intensity of sunlight peaking between ten o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the evening.
· Even in the case of cloudy weather or sit shade it does not obviate the use of sunscreens.
· Use umbrellas or sit in the shade on the beach partially protects from the sun and you should use a sun visor.
· Brightly colored clothing and loose and wet does not provide complete protection from the sun's rays.
• rays resulting from artificial tanning beds cause the same damage resulting from natural sunlight and should avoid using them only for medical purpose.
· Necessary protection from the sun in winter. The winter sports more dangerous mountain where few layer Alatamossador cause the passage of greater sunlight.
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