
Salmonella bacteria

Salmonella bacteria (Salmonella) is one of the micro-organisms and unicellular microscopic size, are found in the intestines of animals and humans. Transmitted from human or animal feces infected human or other animal sound. Includes a Salmonella more than 2300 strain has the ability to infect humans and animals, but the common ones كمسبب of the disease is limited to the number of breeds most important strain Salmonella Tivimorim (causing fever Altyvoid) (Salmonella typhimurium) and Salmonella Antrytds (Enteritidis Salmonella) where constitute almost half of human infections Salmonella infection, and breeds that show symptoms of the disease in animals can cause disease in humans, and vice versa.
Known disease or salmonella infection in 100 years or more, and discovered by an American scientist named Dr. Daniel Salmon.
Sources of salmonella bacteria:
Salmonella bacteria live in the gut of humans and animals and birds, including the spread to meat, tools and hands during slaughter and subsequent handling operations of. And afflict the human usually after eating meat and other foods contaminated. Can this type of bacteria survive if contaminated product is stewed or did not reach its internal temperature during cooking to a safe level. The food can be exposed to salmonella bacteria when they are traded by people who do not have attention to hygiene in general and clean their hands after using the toilets in particular. Among the most serious types of injuries pollution from mixing some fluid separate from poultry meat is cooked with food ready to eat, but it is advisable to always wash hands with soap and water to those who deal with food and private persons with diarrhea or even dealing with reptiles and birds, even if the animals were healthy did not showing symptoms of the disease.
The most important food-carrying Salmonella:
As mentioned just raw food "uncooked" such as meat, poultry, eggs and foods containing eggs and mayonnaise and dairy products (cheese, fresh, ice cream, milk powder etc. ..), seafood, fruits and vegetables may carry salmonella bacteria, and the main reason why these foods vector for these bacteria and causing the infection by not dealing with it in a healthy and safe from processed and prepared through to stage cooking and that you should be with her temperature had reached the status of food to limit the right to eliminate all phases of live bacteria, in addition to that you should beware, lest there be contact between the food with raw foods cooked or uncooked poultry to prevent the transmission of these bacteria and the occurrence of what is known as aqueous pollution.
Symptoms of infection with Salmonella:
The symptoms of infection salmonella include fever, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and appear in a period ranging between 12 and 72 hours after eating contaminated food Palmkrob, and there additional symptoms may appear, such as chills, headache, nausea and vomiting, and disappear these symptoms usually within 4 to 7 days, and many people with salmonella infection recover without treatment, without the need to see a doctor. However, that could threaten infection Salmonella lives of infants and young children and pregnant women, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems (such as those with HIV - AIDS - cancer, diabetes and kidney disease) as these groups are more sensitive due to its poor resistance to infection.
There are a few people with the bacterium Salmonella may develop pains in the joints and irritation of the eyes and painful urination, and this is called Reiter's syndrome (Ritter's syndrome), which can last for months or many years and can lead to chronic arthritis which is difficult to treat.
Prevention of salmonella infection:
Salmonella bacteria found in contaminated food and it is not necessary to show signs of corruption as a change in the smell or texture or color. For the prevention of injury Basalmonilla in factories and homes and restaurants or anywhere else should prevent bacteria from growing and multiplying large numbers, if any, must cook food enough to eliminate the microbe and follow the guidelines for the preparation of safe food as follows:
1 - cleaning and washing hands and surfaces:
· Wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds after using the toilet or before preparing food and before eating.
· Wash utensils, cutting boards and dishes with hot water and soap after each step of the food preparation.
· Use paper towels to clean kitchen surfaces, preferably wash cloth towels in hot water in the washing machine after every certain period of use.
2 - Separation of food:
· Must separate the meat is cooked, poultry and seafood from other foods in your shopping cart and also in the refrigerator.
· You must use special cutting tools Meat and poultry differ from hacking tools that are used with other agricultural products and washed and cleaned after each use to avoid cross contamination.
3 - cooking good food:
Use a thermometer to measure the temperature of food and make sure cleanliness when measuring the internal temperature of meat and poultry and other foods, to make sure that the temperature at the center of food has reached the minimum safe to eliminate salmonella bacteria is as follows:
· Beef and veal and lambs 71-77 ° C (half-baked or very low).
· Minced meat 71.
· Whole Chicken 82 m (not stuffed or filled).
· Chicken pieces 77.
· Minced chicken 80.
· Fish 73.
4 - good for food conservation:
· Must be stored refrigerated and frozen foods correctly, you should be temperature between refrigerators (3 -5 M), and freezers (Freezers) The degree temperature must be below (- 18 m).
· Refrigerated foods should be saved at a temperature not exceeding 4 m, and hot food at a temperature of not less than 60 m.
5 - Tsaih frozen meat in an appropriate manner:
Must be the process of Tsaih frozen meat and poultry either by placing them in the refrigerator for enough to Tsaahaa or direct Tsaahaa using microwave or cooking quick and direct to minimize the risk of contamination and microbe growth, and must avoid Tsaahaa at room temperature.
Ensuring the quality and safety of food is necessary and important to maintain public health and is also considered a joint responsibility between regulators and enterprises, food establishments, so issued international bodies and local many effective systems to ensure food safety through the face of the associated risks, including the risk of infection Salmonella. One of these systems, HACCP and identify critical control points (HACCP), this system emphasizes food safety along the food chain starting from stages of preparation and production, distribution and access to the consumer, also confirms that these stages have been through safe health guarantee free final product nurses is the most important salmonella Bacterba.
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