SubmittedDiabetes affects millions of people each year.When a doctor tells a patient as a diabetic. Assures him that although there is no cure diabetes, there are many drugs that can control the level of sugar in the blood.The success of any treatment for diabetes to diabetes itself.
This helps tutorial to understand diabetes and how to adjust the level of sugar in the blood better.Diabetes is a disease where blood sugar levels are very high. Sugar comes from the foods we eat, and the insulin is the hormone that helps the entry of sugar into the cells to give her energy; In diabetes type I the body does not secrete insulin, and Type II diabetes, which is the most prevalent type, the body does not make insulin can not be used properly; It is an insufficient amount of insulin remains present in blood sugar.The passage of time can cause a lot of sugar in the blood to the emergence of serious problems as that can damage the eyes, kidneys and nerves, as diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, and even to complications requiring amputation. As can be infected pregnant women with diabetes, who called in this case as "gestational diabetes."Symptoms of Type II diabetes:• Fatigue• thirst• weight loss• blurred vision• frequent urinationDoes not seem to some people with no symptoms; but blood tests capable of detecting the presence of diabetes. Can exercise and weight control and adherence to a specific schedule for meals to help control diabetes. Also, care must be taken to control blood sugar levels and taking medications prescribed by your doctor.