German neurologist confirmed Frank Bergman that the symptoms of dementia, which show, for example, memory problems, loss of balance and the ability to guidance, as well as behavioral changes, which may refer to other diseases or represent the side effect of eating certain types of drugs.
He stressed Bergman - a member of the German Association for neurologists in Krefeld - the need to clarify the cause of such symptoms by a physician, as may be caused by heart disease, for example, or kidney failure, depression or lack of nutrition.
Checks should also be made of the brain to check if the patient is suffering from disorders of the blood flow or the presence of tumors caused him to these symptoms.
As if to verify that these symptoms are due to the onset of a disease dementia, he emphasizes Bergman then the importance of the doctor trying to help patients maintain their mental and cognitive for as long as possible.
So said German doctor on the need to subject the patient - in addition to taking medications - for different types of exercises and therapy in order to maintain mental and physical health, pointing out that high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain and alcohol or smoking comes on top of the risk factors leading to the disease dementia, including Alzheimer's.Source: German