Sports drinks and energy drinks: Part I
The sports drinks and Mthsrobat energy at present one of the most food products prevalent among athletes, as well as ordinary people, which may be due to the ads intensive enjoyed by and large budgets spent on by manufacturers to promote their importance, and to highlight its role in the energy supply, and delay the feeling physical and mental fatigue, thus improving performance.
The rivalry between the companies operating in this area is full market many sports drinks and energy drinks, which makes it difficult for the athletes selected brew a perfect view of the link so strongly and training period and climatic conditions as well as the timing of a drink, in addition to deliberately some manufacturers do not write real ingredients on the packaging, or the omission of certain substances harmful to health, as well as substrates ratios for a drink.
Thus, the selection of sports drinks or energy drinks are often based on the shape of the package or the ability propaganda producing companies without regard to the purpose they are designed to these drinks, or suitability of the nature of physical activity practitioner or the amount needed to achieve their objective or correct timing to be used, resulting in often counterproductive.
So this article will address the difference between sports drinks and energy Mthsrobat, target them, as well as the positive and negative aspects resulting from addressed and specifications ideal sports drink.Some definition of terms related
Sports drinks Sports Drinks
Are drinks that are addressed either before, during or after sports activities in order to speed fluid and electrolytes are lost, as well as provide the working muscles with an additional source of energy.
Energy Drinks Energy Drinks
Are drinks that aim to speed up the healing process by metabolic energy supply (carbohydrates) and the mental energy (caffeine) and some other elements (amino acids, vitamins, etc.).
Dehydration drought
Is the loss of body fluids and low natural level, and dehydration leads to a negative effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system and the body's thermoregulation, and hence the low level of performance and increase heat illness.
Electrolytes Electrolytes
Are mineral salts that carry electric charges (such as sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium) which is necessary to regulate muscle contractions and nerve signal delivery, and maintain the heart rate, and acid-base balance of the blood.
Gastric emptying Gastric Emptying
Means the movement of fluids or food from the stomach to ethnic Ashrbalomaae minute.
Turkizaltnadha Osmolality
Mean density of dissolved particles (such as sodium and glucose) in the liquid compared to the density of body fluids (ranging from 260 to 330 mM أوزمول / kg water). And associated osmotic pressure (the pressure caused by focus groups) caused solutes and affecting the movement of water across membranes (such as the intestinal wall).
Drinks low osmosis Hypotonic
Are drinks that are density fractions less than the density of body fluids (less than 260 million أوزمول / kg water) like water.Featuring drinks quickly discharged from the stomach, and the resulting decrease in the osmotic pressure of blood plasma, which reduces the desire to drink by adequate compensation for fluids lost in sweat.
Drinks equal osmosis Isotonic
Are beverages that are equally density fractions with body fluids (ranging from 260 to 330 mM أوزمول / kg of water), and is characterized by rapidly compensated for fluids lost in sweat.
Drinks super osmosis Hypertonic
Are drinks that are density fractions Okbermn body fluids, and characterized by low discharge rate of the stomach, so it is not recommended intakes during training or competition.
Thermoregulation Thermoregulation
Is to control or maintain normal body temperature through the balance between heat production and disposal, and this is done by regulation center gases Balheibutalams.The difference between sports drinks and energy drinks
The sports drinks and energy drinks most consumed by the different age groups, especially adolescents and young people, believing as a magic formula to improve the level of their performance. And often eat large amounts of them, whether before, during or after training or competition without the slightest knowledge as the difference between them or timely to use both of them, which may lead to performance degradation.
When compared to sports drinks, energy drinks, we find that there is a big difference between them, sports Valmusharobac aims to replace the fluids and some electrolytes lost in sweat during training or work in hot weather for long periods of time, and usually equal osmosis (such as: Gatorade drinks, Aazaustar, Paoraad .. etc), but energy drinks are aimed at providing a great deal of metabolic energy (carbohydrates) and mental energy (caffeine and some stimulant such as ephedrine and ginseng) in addition to some amino acids (Altaoren), vitamins and herbs, and often super-osmosis (eg: Red Bull, Hansen).
While not containing sports drinks on the same ingredients found in energy drinks such as caffeine and amino acids, but contain a very small percentage of carbohydrates compared drinks energy, and also contain some electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, which plays a significant role in retaining water body, thereby protecting it from dehydration.
Therefore, the supply of energy drinks during training or competitions that persist for long periods is not appropriate choice, because they contain a large rate of caffeine, which leads to increased loss of body fluids, thus adversely affecting the performance.Importance of sports drinks and energy drinks
The importance of sports drinks to their effective role in the rapid restoration of water balance body through fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat, in addition to providing the muscles working source of additional energy, and energy drinks are aimed to compensate energy sources depleting, and thus speed up the process of healing, both aims to improve athletic performance, with the following address the importance of each of them in more detail.
First: the importance of sports drinks
1 - fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat
Based on the findings, it became certain that fluid during physical activity represents an important need to maintain internal stability of the body, as well as the level of performance, accounting for the increase in the rate of heat resulting from metabolic processes (20 kcal / min) and low capacity get rid of them the biggest challenge to the body's ability to maintain the stability of its internal environment and the intensity of training.
And get rid of excess heat by evaporation of fluids lost in sweat (one liter equivalent to rid the body of 580 kcal) and failure to compensate to increase body temperature by (1) C (3) minutes. Some studies, however, found that the increase in temperature does not exceed (2-3) degrees Celsius above the normal range at rest (37-38 degrees Celsius) until the players with the high level endurance.
And linked to the rate of fluid lost in sweat with all the intensity and duration of training, as well as ambient weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed) When training in hot environments with high humidity, the race falls in the form of drops or lead role in ridding the body of excess heat.
And increases the rate of fluid lost in sweat for 2 liters / hour, especially when training in warm climates, and lost fluids are distributed proportionally between the plasma and fluids inside and outside the cells, which leads to a reduction of plasma volume and blood volume paid per strike , and increase the pulse rate to try to compensate for the decline incident in stroke volume, but this is often inadequate compensation resulting in a decrease in the volume of cardiac payment.
The many studies proved that a minor degree of dehydration (loss of 1-2% of body weight) leads to a rise in internal body temperature, so as to decrease blood flow to the skin and the low rate of perspiration, resulting in the inability of the body to get rid of excess heat generated by metabolic processes, and thus the incidence of early stress and the inability to performance in endurance exercise less than the maximum.
Based on the above, many athletes may fail to replace lost fluids from their bodies, and then it must eat a sufficient amount of fluids to improve their performance and to protect them from heat illness.
The following will address the importance of fluid and electrolytes lost before, during and after training.
Before training
The drinks sports before training is essential to ensure there is no shortage of body fluids, in most cases, we find that the wrestlers who are trying to lose weight, as well as athletes who could not compensate race lost in the previous training, and firefighters who perform hard work in the days consecutive to extinguish the fire, and the soldiers involved in the military operations field may begin their training they are in a drought, and thus reduced ability to perform, and the effect will be too hot environments, so they must eat Mkdarkber of fluids before training or work to reduce the pressure on the cardiovascular system, and improve the body's thermoregulation, and then improve their performance levels.
Was recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine with regard to training and fluid handling of 400-600 ml of water two hours before training to increase the fluid levels in the body and help delay or avoid the negative effects of the drought, but the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine may not suit individuals who live and train in hot environments, where they must eat larger quantities of liquids mentioned above, and due to the fact that voluntary consumption of fluids is not enough to meet the needs of individuals of fluids, and thus the beginning of training they are in a drought.
Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the number of times urinating and color and volume of urine as a way to help athletes in assessing the level of fluid body where is urinating is Almtntm and color dark urine volume relatively little indication of injury drought, and then they must continuity in fluid intake before the start of training.
During training
Lack of adequate compensation for fluids during workouts that last for long periods to increase dangerous in body temperature internal (higher than 40 degrees Celsius) may be due to the low plasma volume and the reduction of blood flow to the skin and thus lower rate race, and then reduce heat loss from by evaporation, which fills the most important ways to get rid of excess heat (over 80%), especially when training in hot, dry environments, exposing trainees to injury by drought and heat illnesses.
Therefore they must fluids early, and at regular intervals to try consumption a large amount of fluids at a rate sufficient to replace lost fluids in race or consumption maximum amount can afford access to compensation of 80% of the lost fluids in sweat during training which leads to better jobs cardiovascular and body heat regulation, as well as the level of performance.
It also found that there is a correlation between the volume of fluid intake during training and all of the increase size of cardiac payment, increasing blood flow to the skin and decrease the body's internal temperature.
That replace lost fluids for how to deal with sports drinks that contain carbohydrates and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium) leads to improved running time (62 minutes) to walk mobile compared with only water (39.5 minutes).
After training
The fluid and electrolytes lost after training is an important part of the acceleration of the healing process, especially when performance More daily training module or training for long periods in hot weather.Accordingly, the sports drinks after training can lead to speed up the healing process, which leads to restore plasma volume increase compared by taking only water.As size must be fluid intake much larger than lost in sweat, in addition to its high sodium and low in potassium and carbohydrates (less than 2%) to improve the rate of water absorption and sodium bowel and maintain a high level of fluid in the body.
Researchers point to the need for intake of fluids equal to 15% or more of body weight lost in the race to get to a level close to the normal level of body fluids with the need to add a sufficient amount of sodium to reduce losses in the urine.
2 - Provide working muscles with an additional source of energy
Many studies have shown that sports drinks that contain carbohydrates Tada to improve the level of performance during the exercises ranging in severity from 65-70% of maximum oxygen consumption, which lasts for 60 minutes or more, and in ideal conditions, the improvement could range between 5-7% of the time performance, and in some studies has reached the improvement of more than 30%, as the lead carbohydrates in sports drinks to increase intestinal absorption of fluids, in addition to the essential role it plays in providing an additional source of muscle energy, especially when decrease the level of the working muscle glycogen.
Needs Riadiion to eating carbohydrates at a rate of 30 to 60 g / h to maintain the level of glucose in the blood. And can be obtained from the way sports drinks that contain less than 10% carbohydrate (1 g / liter of water) and thus delay fatigue and then improve performance.
It is worth mentioning that the large increase in the concentration of carbohydrate sports drinks do not lead to further improvement in the level of performance, where the maximum rate ranges can be used from 60 to 75 g / h during workouts that last for long periods.
Second: the importance of energy drinks
Aims energy drinks to provide the working muscles large proportion of carbohydrates to compensate for energy depleting during workouts that last for long periods, and thus speed up the process of healing, as well as to alert the central nervous system and improve brain function, as well as compensate the shortage of some vitamins and other nutrients. You can also use energy drinks as part of the download process carbohydrates the players distances and, in the case used for this purpose must be addressed during the first hour of the rest period.
We also recommend that you eat 50 to 75 grams carbohydrates after about 15-30 minutes of rest. The athletes who need to continue to consume carbohydrates in liquid form before training or competition, it must address the energy drinks at least two hours before, where this time allowed the process of digestion and absorption.
The caffeine warning of the central nervous system, which makes sports feel more energetic. Some studies have shown that a dose of caffeine equivalent to 6 mg / kg of body weight have a positive impact on improving the level of performance in activities which runs from 1-120 minutes.The positive aspects of sports drinks and energy drinks
Encourage fluid intake involuntarily
Became certain that the taste of the drink stimulates athletes to eat a large amount of fluids involuntarily especially during training or competition, so it must be borne in mind the changes that occur in the sensory responses (discrimination degree Altskr, savor the taste, concentration of electrolytes) during sports activities.
Voluntary drought
Maintaining the body fluids through the balance between lost fluids (sweat, urine) and fluid intake of the essential factors that improvement of the vital functions of the body, as well as the level of performance, but it usually does not turn most individuals to fluid intake even feel thirsty.
The lack of drinking in the absence of Caourbatth to have a large amount of body fluids, especially during training, and referred to the delay in the drinking drought voluntary, and that happens because thirst is not enough to stimulate drinking.Studies show voluntary dehydration while working in hot weather also indicates that individuals can not only make up 2/3 of the lost fluids in the best of circumstances, because thirst is a late response to maintain body fluids.
And is controlled thirsty for a way nerve centers that regulate fluid intake, located in the region of the brain called الهيبوثالامس, and receive these centers of information through sensory receptors small (sites superficial Dgarh) and that sense any change in the volume of body fluids or concentration electrolytes in these fluids .
Part II follows ...
The sports drinks and Mthsrobat energy at present one of the most food products prevalent among athletes, as well as ordinary people, which may be due to the ads intensive enjoyed by and large budgets spent on by manufacturers to promote their importance, and to highlight its role in the energy supply, and delay the feeling physical and mental fatigue, thus improving performance.
The rivalry between the companies operating in this area is full market many sports drinks and energy drinks, which makes it difficult for the athletes selected brew a perfect view of the link so strongly and training period and climatic conditions as well as the timing of a drink, in addition to deliberately some manufacturers do not write real ingredients on the packaging, or the omission of certain substances harmful to health, as well as substrates ratios for a drink.
Thus, the selection of sports drinks or energy drinks are often based on the shape of the package or the ability propaganda producing companies without regard to the purpose they are designed to these drinks, or suitability of the nature of physical activity practitioner or the amount needed to achieve their objective or correct timing to be used, resulting in often counterproductive.
So this article will address the difference between sports drinks and energy Mthsrobat, target them, as well as the positive and negative aspects resulting from addressed and specifications ideal sports drink.Some definition of terms related
Sports drinks Sports Drinks
Are drinks that are addressed either before, during or after sports activities in order to speed fluid and electrolytes are lost, as well as provide the working muscles with an additional source of energy.
Energy Drinks Energy Drinks
Are drinks that aim to speed up the healing process by metabolic energy supply (carbohydrates) and the mental energy (caffeine) and some other elements (amino acids, vitamins, etc.).
Dehydration drought
Is the loss of body fluids and low natural level, and dehydration leads to a negative effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system and the body's thermoregulation, and hence the low level of performance and increase heat illness.
Electrolytes Electrolytes
Are mineral salts that carry electric charges (such as sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium) which is necessary to regulate muscle contractions and nerve signal delivery, and maintain the heart rate, and acid-base balance of the blood.
Gastric emptying Gastric Emptying
Means the movement of fluids or food from the stomach to ethnic Ashrbalomaae minute.
Turkizaltnadha Osmolality
Mean density of dissolved particles (such as sodium and glucose) in the liquid compared to the density of body fluids (ranging from 260 to 330 mM أوزمول / kg water). And associated osmotic pressure (the pressure caused by focus groups) caused solutes and affecting the movement of water across membranes (such as the intestinal wall).
Drinks low osmosis Hypotonic
Are drinks that are density fractions less than the density of body fluids (less than 260 million أوزمول / kg water) like water.Featuring drinks quickly discharged from the stomach, and the resulting decrease in the osmotic pressure of blood plasma, which reduces the desire to drink by adequate compensation for fluids lost in sweat.
Drinks equal osmosis Isotonic
Are beverages that are equally density fractions with body fluids (ranging from 260 to 330 mM أوزمول / kg of water), and is characterized by rapidly compensated for fluids lost in sweat.
Drinks super osmosis Hypertonic
Are drinks that are density fractions Okbermn body fluids, and characterized by low discharge rate of the stomach, so it is not recommended intakes during training or competition.
Thermoregulation Thermoregulation
Is to control or maintain normal body temperature through the balance between heat production and disposal, and this is done by regulation center gases Balheibutalams.The difference between sports drinks and energy drinks
The sports drinks and energy drinks most consumed by the different age groups, especially adolescents and young people, believing as a magic formula to improve the level of their performance. And often eat large amounts of them, whether before, during or after training or competition without the slightest knowledge as the difference between them or timely to use both of them, which may lead to performance degradation.
When compared to sports drinks, energy drinks, we find that there is a big difference between them, sports Valmusharobac aims to replace the fluids and some electrolytes lost in sweat during training or work in hot weather for long periods of time, and usually equal osmosis (such as: Gatorade drinks, Aazaustar, Paoraad .. etc), but energy drinks are aimed at providing a great deal of metabolic energy (carbohydrates) and mental energy (caffeine and some stimulant such as ephedrine and ginseng) in addition to some amino acids (Altaoren), vitamins and herbs, and often super-osmosis (eg: Red Bull, Hansen).
While not containing sports drinks on the same ingredients found in energy drinks such as caffeine and amino acids, but contain a very small percentage of carbohydrates compared drinks energy, and also contain some electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, which plays a significant role in retaining water body, thereby protecting it from dehydration.
Therefore, the supply of energy drinks during training or competitions that persist for long periods is not appropriate choice, because they contain a large rate of caffeine, which leads to increased loss of body fluids, thus adversely affecting the performance.Importance of sports drinks and energy drinks
The importance of sports drinks to their effective role in the rapid restoration of water balance body through fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat, in addition to providing the muscles working source of additional energy, and energy drinks are aimed to compensate energy sources depleting, and thus speed up the process of healing, both aims to improve athletic performance, with the following address the importance of each of them in more detail.
First: the importance of sports drinks
1 - fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat
Based on the findings, it became certain that fluid during physical activity represents an important need to maintain internal stability of the body, as well as the level of performance, accounting for the increase in the rate of heat resulting from metabolic processes (20 kcal / min) and low capacity get rid of them the biggest challenge to the body's ability to maintain the stability of its internal environment and the intensity of training.
And get rid of excess heat by evaporation of fluids lost in sweat (one liter equivalent to rid the body of 580 kcal) and failure to compensate to increase body temperature by (1) C (3) minutes. Some studies, however, found that the increase in temperature does not exceed (2-3) degrees Celsius above the normal range at rest (37-38 degrees Celsius) until the players with the high level endurance.
And linked to the rate of fluid lost in sweat with all the intensity and duration of training, as well as ambient weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed) When training in hot environments with high humidity, the race falls in the form of drops or lead role in ridding the body of excess heat.
And increases the rate of fluid lost in sweat for 2 liters / hour, especially when training in warm climates, and lost fluids are distributed proportionally between the plasma and fluids inside and outside the cells, which leads to a reduction of plasma volume and blood volume paid per strike , and increase the pulse rate to try to compensate for the decline incident in stroke volume, but this is often inadequate compensation resulting in a decrease in the volume of cardiac payment.
The many studies proved that a minor degree of dehydration (loss of 1-2% of body weight) leads to a rise in internal body temperature, so as to decrease blood flow to the skin and the low rate of perspiration, resulting in the inability of the body to get rid of excess heat generated by metabolic processes, and thus the incidence of early stress and the inability to performance in endurance exercise less than the maximum.
Based on the above, many athletes may fail to replace lost fluids from their bodies, and then it must eat a sufficient amount of fluids to improve their performance and to protect them from heat illness.
The following will address the importance of fluid and electrolytes lost before, during and after training.
Before training
The drinks sports before training is essential to ensure there is no shortage of body fluids, in most cases, we find that the wrestlers who are trying to lose weight, as well as athletes who could not compensate race lost in the previous training, and firefighters who perform hard work in the days consecutive to extinguish the fire, and the soldiers involved in the military operations field may begin their training they are in a drought, and thus reduced ability to perform, and the effect will be too hot environments, so they must eat Mkdarkber of fluids before training or work to reduce the pressure on the cardiovascular system, and improve the body's thermoregulation, and then improve their performance levels.
Was recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine with regard to training and fluid handling of 400-600 ml of water two hours before training to increase the fluid levels in the body and help delay or avoid the negative effects of the drought, but the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine may not suit individuals who live and train in hot environments, where they must eat larger quantities of liquids mentioned above, and due to the fact that voluntary consumption of fluids is not enough to meet the needs of individuals of fluids, and thus the beginning of training they are in a drought.
Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the number of times urinating and color and volume of urine as a way to help athletes in assessing the level of fluid body where is urinating is Almtntm and color dark urine volume relatively little indication of injury drought, and then they must continuity in fluid intake before the start of training.
During training
Lack of adequate compensation for fluids during workouts that last for long periods to increase dangerous in body temperature internal (higher than 40 degrees Celsius) may be due to the low plasma volume and the reduction of blood flow to the skin and thus lower rate race, and then reduce heat loss from by evaporation, which fills the most important ways to get rid of excess heat (over 80%), especially when training in hot, dry environments, exposing trainees to injury by drought and heat illnesses.
Therefore they must fluids early, and at regular intervals to try consumption a large amount of fluids at a rate sufficient to replace lost fluids in race or consumption maximum amount can afford access to compensation of 80% of the lost fluids in sweat during training which leads to better jobs cardiovascular and body heat regulation, as well as the level of performance.
It also found that there is a correlation between the volume of fluid intake during training and all of the increase size of cardiac payment, increasing blood flow to the skin and decrease the body's internal temperature.
That replace lost fluids for how to deal with sports drinks that contain carbohydrates and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium) leads to improved running time (62 minutes) to walk mobile compared with only water (39.5 minutes).
After training
The fluid and electrolytes lost after training is an important part of the acceleration of the healing process, especially when performance More daily training module or training for long periods in hot weather.Accordingly, the sports drinks after training can lead to speed up the healing process, which leads to restore plasma volume increase compared by taking only water.As size must be fluid intake much larger than lost in sweat, in addition to its high sodium and low in potassium and carbohydrates (less than 2%) to improve the rate of water absorption and sodium bowel and maintain a high level of fluid in the body.
Researchers point to the need for intake of fluids equal to 15% or more of body weight lost in the race to get to a level close to the normal level of body fluids with the need to add a sufficient amount of sodium to reduce losses in the urine.
2 - Provide working muscles with an additional source of energy
Many studies have shown that sports drinks that contain carbohydrates Tada to improve the level of performance during the exercises ranging in severity from 65-70% of maximum oxygen consumption, which lasts for 60 minutes or more, and in ideal conditions, the improvement could range between 5-7% of the time performance, and in some studies has reached the improvement of more than 30%, as the lead carbohydrates in sports drinks to increase intestinal absorption of fluids, in addition to the essential role it plays in providing an additional source of muscle energy, especially when decrease the level of the working muscle glycogen.
Needs Riadiion to eating carbohydrates at a rate of 30 to 60 g / h to maintain the level of glucose in the blood. And can be obtained from the way sports drinks that contain less than 10% carbohydrate (1 g / liter of water) and thus delay fatigue and then improve performance.
It is worth mentioning that the large increase in the concentration of carbohydrate sports drinks do not lead to further improvement in the level of performance, where the maximum rate ranges can be used from 60 to 75 g / h during workouts that last for long periods.
Second: the importance of energy drinks
Aims energy drinks to provide the working muscles large proportion of carbohydrates to compensate for energy depleting during workouts that last for long periods, and thus speed up the process of healing, as well as to alert the central nervous system and improve brain function, as well as compensate the shortage of some vitamins and other nutrients. You can also use energy drinks as part of the download process carbohydrates the players distances and, in the case used for this purpose must be addressed during the first hour of the rest period.
We also recommend that you eat 50 to 75 grams carbohydrates after about 15-30 minutes of rest. The athletes who need to continue to consume carbohydrates in liquid form before training or competition, it must address the energy drinks at least two hours before, where this time allowed the process of digestion and absorption.
The caffeine warning of the central nervous system, which makes sports feel more energetic. Some studies have shown that a dose of caffeine equivalent to 6 mg / kg of body weight have a positive impact on improving the level of performance in activities which runs from 1-120 minutes.The positive aspects of sports drinks and energy drinks
Encourage fluid intake involuntarily
Became certain that the taste of the drink stimulates athletes to eat a large amount of fluids involuntarily especially during training or competition, so it must be borne in mind the changes that occur in the sensory responses (discrimination degree Altskr, savor the taste, concentration of electrolytes) during sports activities.
Voluntary drought
Maintaining the body fluids through the balance between lost fluids (sweat, urine) and fluid intake of the essential factors that improvement of the vital functions of the body, as well as the level of performance, but it usually does not turn most individuals to fluid intake even feel thirsty.
The lack of drinking in the absence of Caourbatth to have a large amount of body fluids, especially during training, and referred to the delay in the drinking drought voluntary, and that happens because thirst is not enough to stimulate drinking.Studies show voluntary dehydration while working in hot weather also indicates that individuals can not only make up 2/3 of the lost fluids in the best of circumstances, because thirst is a late response to maintain body fluids.
And is controlled thirsty for a way nerve centers that regulate fluid intake, located in the region of the brain called الهيبوثالامس, and receive these centers of information through sensory receptors small (sites superficial Dgarh) and that sense any change in the volume of body fluids or concentration electrolytes in these fluids .
Part II follows ...