
Diabetes complications

When you adjust the level of blood sugar becoming symptoms of this disease are less visible. The diabetic patient feels better in his condition, and the increase in capacity and physical activity. If you do not adhere to the diet with diabetes who advised to follow it, not exercising, or not يقس level of sugar in the blood, it would be subjected to serious complications.
Diabetic complications include damage to nerves and blood vessels in the body.
The cause of nerve damage in patients with diabetes is unknown, and this damage known as diabetic neuropathy, which includes stretching nerves to the lower limbs and feet. Well diabetes Ptnmiha or Berudtha.
It should be on people with diabetes who suffer from weak sense of their feet to avoid harm her in general, Vijunboa wearing tight shoes or pour very hot water, or causing any damage to them in particular.
And people with diabetes should examine their feet every day to detect any injury or redness or swelling, and they can turn to the mirror if necessary. When they go to a medical clinic, they should ask their doctor examine their feet.
With diabetes may suffer from a defect in the performance of sexual function. The most common problems are impotence or ED caused by nerve damage extended to the members of the genitals. Doctors can urinary and genital system impotence treatment either through surgery or medication.
Women with diabetes suffer from weakness of lust and pain during intercourse because of extended because of nerve damage to the genitals overnight with. The doctor may recommend a specific treatment for this condition.
May not feel with diabetes rib pain felt by people with a heart attack, due to nerve damage extended to the heart. So people with diabetes should raise suspicion they have the possibility of infection of a heart attack at the feeling of heaviness in the chest or tingling in the arms or indigestion in digestion, because those symptoms may be symptoms of angina.
May result in high blood sugar damage the small and large vessels, فالدهن accumulated on the wall of the blood vessels leads to atherosclerosis.
May affect atherosclerosis some arteries of the heart, may also affect the arteries of the lower limbs sclerosis.
The goal of the diet is recommended diabetics adhere to is to reduce the level of fat and cholesterol in the blood.
While causing plaque and fat tight in the small blood vessels and can not access the blood sufficiently to members leading to the death of cells that depend on the arrival of the blood through the vessels. This can lead to bleeding that blood vessels infected Baltadhaq.
Often get this thickening and hardening of the blood vessels in the kidneys and small back of the eye.
When Taattkhan small vessels in the back of the eye, may leak blood into the eye or into the vitreous. Leading clouding of the vitreous. If we do not address this situation known as diabetic retinopathy may lead to loss of sight. The doctor can provide more information about treatment of diabetic retinopathy.
Diabetes may hinder the performance of kidneys to Ozivthma clean blood, and the body may lose some of the proteins that was required to remain in it, through leakage into the urine. The doctor may examine Paul with diabetes to make sure there is no early signs of renal disease.
Often suffer with diabetes with diabetic kidney disease from high blood pressure. Which makes it very necessary to reduce high blood pressure medicines, because it helps with diabetes to avoid worsening renal problems. And if the patient suffers from diabetes diabetic kidney disease your doctor may prescribe a special diet low protein and salt.
May become dialysis or college transfer is essential in some rare cases of kidney disease.
Most doctors Aocdonn that diabetes control helps to prevent damage to blood vessels and nerves. Includes settings that are good for blood sugar level to follow a specific diet, and eating Aladaah, and exercise, and monitor blood sugar levels, and hygiene.

You can adjust the level of blood sugar thanks to scientific progress in the field of medicine. But the essential role of the patient in the success of the plan set for the management of diabetes and control it.
Management of diabetes involves:

Follow a diet plan
Measuring the level of blood sugar
Taking medications or prescription drugs in a timely manner
Maintaining a clean body
Learn all about diabetes

The doctor or nurse or dietician detailed explanation of the diet that people with diabetes should follow to adjust their blood sugar.
The adoption of diabetics to these instructions reduces the possibility of injury problems mentioned in this program.
This tutorial provides assistance to people with diabetes to understand diabetes and how to control it so that they can enjoy a better life and a more active and longer.
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