
FDA "for students: stimulant drugs are addictive and serious complications

Warned of the General Authority for Food and Drug audience of students and students in the Kingdom of the risk of falling into the clutches of stimulants and lotions anonymous. It showed the body that during the quarterly tests final active members among students and students to promote the so-called pills Kabtajohn and some types of other drugs that fall under the list of drugs stimulant addictive, and Arjrnha on it helps to overcome sleep and fatigue, but in fact weaken the perception and cause a lot of accidents and complications, and often these formulations contain ingredients anonymous and installation, and are manufactured in poor conditions, lack of conditions for human consumption! Which increases the danger exponentially.

, Said pharmacist Abdul Rahman bin Sultan Sultan Executive Director of communications and outreach drug sector «Some of our children taking pills Kabtajohn thinking that they will help them increase the focus and the ability to ensure that, ignorant or forgetting gravity, but the pills Kabtajohn have many pharmacological effects, where they cause rapid heartbeat and breathing, leading to lack of feeling hungry and increase in blood pressure and an inability to sleep and poor response sensual, and overdoses begets violence and irritability and hostility, but after the demise of the impact of grain infected addict depression and constant headaches, which obliges to take another dose and bringing to addiction.

He added in the event of continued abuse pills Kabtajohn in large quantities for a long time Serious reactions may occur up to hallucinations, which introduced myself seriously, imagine the injured he can hear voices and see things that are not, as may happen irregularity in the heartbeat, which could lead to a heart attack, and bleeding in the brain in some cases lead to death., and pointed out that there are many popular labels for these pills, including: White, Qdom, Abu files, cream, and others.

The pharmacist Sultan on the important role that should be played by Teachers through awareness damaged these formulations serious, and try to make sure that there are no students in , by observing some changes such as anxiety amounts and emotion overload and pallor, and increase the rate of speech, and invited the public to communicate with The National Center for Drug and Poison Information for additional information.
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