
Common medications and their effectiveness and harms

Painkillers ... Analgesics
What housing are you using when you get a headache, or dental pain, or arthritis pain and other pain, especially accompanied by high temperature?And effective housing in severe acute pain relief,Sedative medication to reduce pain Ottzalh direct influence in the central nervous systemOr to affect the anti inflammatory and causes inflammation.And features some painkillers antipyretic effect.First - non-narcotic pain relievers .... Nonnarcotic AnalgesicsThey inhabit drugs mild and moderate pain intensity, and acted in many countries without a prescription because they are not addictive and do not affect the level of consciousness. Some of these painkillers antipyretic effect without affecting all living factors in the high temperature.And these are classified into two sections:
Among the most famous of these common painkillersSalicylates salicylatesAlbarstamol paracetamolEboparvin ibuprofenDichaelovinak Diclofenac
Salicylates ..
This group is one of the oldest and most widely used painkillersIt antipyretic and anti-inflammatory Anti inflammatoryIt is the oldest of this group and the most widely usedAspirin --- Aspirin**********Deduced from willow trees ... And characterized Bhetwaverh and low price and low toxicity.
(((((Used))))) :: ---Aspirin to relieve headaches, pain and teeth, muscles and joints, and menstrual pain, as aspirin is used to reduce the heat in most conditions accompanied by fever.
(((((((Side effects)))))) :: ---Irritation of the lining of infectiousAnd weaken the ability of the blood to clotLarge doses may cause vomiting, nausea, tinnitus and sensitivityAnd weaken the ability of the blood to clot

((((((It CONTRAINDICATIONS it))))) :: -Cases of renal insufficiencyThe injury bleeding or preparing for itAnd stomach ulcer casesAlso give aspirin to children under the age of twelve and especially with the flu or chicken pox increases the risk of developing syndrome Ray RYE, S SYNDROMEWhich ends with damage to the liver and enter into a coma.^^^Albarsatamol paracetamol. . . ((((RevaninSimilar to aspirin in effect housing and heat-reducing but not enjoy Boukos anti-inflammatory, and is therefore not a substitute for aspirin in the treatment of rheumatic fever.The advantage over other analgesics other heat AlakhavdhNo irritation to the lining of the stomachIt also does not affect the process of blood coagulation.
(((((Used)))) :: -To relieve pain and teeth and AlhqhqhAnd menstrual painAnd reduces fever associated with the common cold and influenza vaccinesIt is also preferred housing given to children under the age of twelveAnd can be given to pregnant women.

((((((Side effects)))))) :: -Has no side effects normal doseBut repeated doses may lead to damage of the liver tissue

Patients with Ba severe Chtlav in kidney and liver

Ibuprofen. . Ibuprofen. (((Ibuprofen)))Is a painkiller and antipyretic and anti-inflammatorySimilar to aspirin in effectIt irritant to the lining of the stomach less than aspirin
(((((Used))))) :: -AntipyreticHome to most types of pain dental light as the mother, and Almtadlh Kalam joints

((((Side effects)))) :: -Stomach irritationAnd indigestionAnd sometimes a rash.

Dichaelovinak Diclofenac .... Alfoltren voltrinOf drugs introduced in recent yearsLike ibuprofen in its propertiesAntipyretic analgesic and side AltathirathIs quite effective in soothing the pain of kidney stones and ureteral ......

Narcotic pain relievers .... Analgesics narcoticIs very effective relievers used in severe pain that does not respond to non-narcotic analgesics and Tadda effect a direct impact in the central nervous systemAnd have no anti-inflammatory effect or to the heat sink

((((((It Side Effects)))) :: -
Nausea, vomiting, postural hypotension, constipation, urine inventory,Inhibition of breath, mental confusion,It may also cause some of these medications allergic symptoms in some patients@ @ @ @ @ @ @ Note @ @ @ @The repeated use of these painkillers leads to the risk of drug dependenceSo there are regulations and instructions to control the use of these drugs and supervised by health authorities and competent securityThe reservation medicines restrictions and private records show incoming and outgoing balanceAnd data on a patient who spent his private prescription.
Examples of narcotic analgesics commonly usedCodeine codeineButhaidan pethidineMorphine morphineAnd we will address each drug use and its impactExamples of narcotic analgesics commonly AastamalCodin codeineButhaidan pethidineMorphine morphine
CodeineExtracted from opium powderStrong painkiller has mild hypnotic propertiesAnd the Center for inhibitor coughButhaidanA chemically manufactured narcotic analgesicsDwell severe acute pain inhibitory effect on the nervous system

MorphineExtracted from opiumA very effective painkillerHis anesthetic and hypnoticSo should be used with extreme caution and reservation to avoid the risk of dependenceUsed to relieve the severe pain associated with acute many casesSevere burns .. Operations الجرحية ... Heart attack .........The final stages of cancer ........... It is pain that defies non-narcotic analgesics

Sedatives and hypnotics SEDATIVES AND HYPNOTICS
We often hear that someone is suffering from a psychological crisisAnd he see a doctor prescribed medication soothingAlso hear in our daily lives or TV programs ... Phrase ....."" As if taking Mnoma medicine ""What is the Mahdi medicineAnd hypnotic drugWill only be used to suffer a crisis or problem troubling him?
Sedatives and hypnotics working on the inhibition of the work of some of the centers in the central nervous systemAnd comprises two main groups firstSedatives and hypnotics AlbarbetoahThe second minor tranquilizers (anxiolytics)
Tranquilizing medicationIs a drug that causes a state of calm combined with relaxation and comfort without causing sleep and is used to reduce stress and anxiety.Hypnotic drugIs causing a quiet sleep similar to natural sleepAnd is used for people with insomnia resulting from inorganic reasons

It Pharmaceuticals sedatives and hypnotics Albarbetoah
Used this medicines Kmenomat in various cases of insomniaAnd Kmahdiat in cases of tension, anxiety and stressAlso used in cases of convulsion epilepsy and tetanus

It is the side effects of these medications
Nausea ....... And vomiting ............ Sensitive skin .......... And low blood pressure .......

Minor tranquilizers anxiolytics
Used .. In cases of anxiety and tension .......As well as to calm the patient before the operationComerkh muscles ...... Anti-epilepsy and tetanus

Side effects

Nausea ...... vomiting ....... Decadence and headaches

DiureticsDiuretics medications strong impact, and are classified according to the mechanism of action in the most important groups AlthiazaadatAnd Alcarbo acids Ksilah, and diuretics Altnadjah, and diuretics preservatives potassium.AlthiazaadatIt diuretics hinder the re-uptake of electrolyteUrinary tubules, increasing put sodium and chloride and therefore water, and the attendant increase in launchPotassium, which must be compensated in the course of treatment.These diuretics are used in treatment associated with congestive heart failure, and some diseases of the kidneys, liver and lungs, and in treating high blood pressure either single or with other medications for blood pressure lowering.Side effects include Thiazaidat low blood potassium level, particularly during the high-dose treatment repeated, leading to muscle weakness and heart rate turbulence. Also cause an increase in blood sugar and uric acid and blood lipids.
Carboxylic acids
It diuretics hinder the absorption of chloride ions and water in the urinary tubules at the site differs from that in which it operates thiazides, increases put potassium ions, which lead to strong Adrar lasts a relatively short period of time, causing a drop in pressure,And disruption in the balance of water and electrolytes blood, and had the advantage of effective fail thiazides and other diureticsAmong the most famous of this group:Frosmaid: It is a strong diuretic effect fast but short, semi-thiazides in the uses and side effects, and the advantage of the possibility of transplanted intravenously in cases that require speed lactation KalozmaAcute pulmonary.Osmotic diureticsIs raise the concentration of drugs, cold Kabaa to a degree beyond energy Alnibat electrolyte reabsorption, amount of water and more thanSo diuresis. At present less use of diuretics in the treatment of chronic edema. Mannitol is a pharmaceutical group is still using in the treatment of cerebral edema caused by a brain tumor, and in dealing with high eye pressure.Diuretics preservatives potassiumThey drugs than put water and electrolytes, but reduces put potassium ions, hence the nameSince the diuretic effect of these medicines weak relatively, they are often used with other orbits that increase put potassium ions KalthiazaidatAnd Alkrbu acids Ksilah, supporting impact orbit and prevent depletion of potassium ions. Among these medicines Trajmitrin.
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