

Reduces inflammation of the bronchial cells so used to treat inflammation of the bronchial cells, in the maintenance treatment in case of permanent asthma treatment croup, laryngitis and acute bronchitis. This medicine is used in asthma every day, even if Haralamarb better; and does not reduce the dose or stop this medication unless otherwise telling your doctor.

Maintenance treatment in case of permanent asthma treatment croup, laryngitis and acute bronchitis.- Pregnant women should be discouraged from continuing use Kortkowstroyd by inhalation.- Added to Alibdsuned Formotrul to be used in the maintenance treatment of asthma that has not been fully control it using inhaled Alchortkowstraad, or when the situation stabilized Alboudsonid and Alformotrul.Contraindications
Sensitivity to Bodsonad, or materials used in the compound.Precautions
Pregnancy: safe for use when used by inhalation.Breastfeeding: used with caution.Used with caution when there is a defect in the thyroid gland, kidney failure, liver failure, heart disease, diabetes, glaucoma, there is a risk of osteoporosis, a lack of adrenal, psychological diseases such as landing the respiratory system, and there is the risk of epilepsy, or diseases of the digestive system, such as ulcer.Side effects
Common symptoms: hoarseness, cough, headache, the growth of Candida albicans in the mouth, pharynx (use Kortkowstroyd by inhalation by a particular device, you should rinse your mouth with water, gargle and spit externally).Rare: allergic reaction, including shrinking bronchitis, rashes, swelling and redness.Adopt a comprehensive anti effects on the overall amount of absorption, which is affected by the dose, and the duration of treatment and the proper use of system.
Hypoadrenia: risk increases in the high dose, especially in older patients. .Bone density loss: clinical outcomes that relate to the risk of osteoporosis and fracture is still unknown.
Weakness in growth: inhalation Kortcostraad may reduce the speed of growth mainly in the first year of treatment; impact on growth of other organs (eg: brain, lung) is not clearly defined; uncontrolled asthma may cause delay in growth as well.Drug Interactions
Alkorteqostroad can increase the potassium deficiency, which may occur during the use of diuretics that do not provide potassium, and amphotericin - B -.Use Alkorteqostroad in the same time with Filorrukwynelon (antibiotic) increases the risk of tendonitis.Alkorteqostroad can minimize the impact of diabetes medications sugar-lowering.Doses and methods of use
Adults: the usual dose 200 Mkrogm twice a day and a lower dose may be used 100 Mkrogm twice a day, and in the case of severe asthma may reach a daily dose to 1600 - 2000 Mkrogm.
Child: 50 - 400 micrograms twice daily in the case.
Croup disease treatment: use 2 mg single dose or divided into two doses of 1 mg separated by half an hour; repeated every 12 hours for 24-48 hours according to the clinical situation.
- The primary dose is likely to be effective, then turn to a low dose if required the need to keep control of asthma.- Reducing the dose every 3 months by 25% if the completion of asthma control.- Do not use this medicine for immediate relief of acute asthma symptoms.- After using this medicine water Eetmdamad and gurgling and spitting externally.- Use this medication every day, even if I felt better; do not reduce the dose or stop this medicine unless your doctor tells you.InDosage forms
Powder inside the turbo Heller for oral inhalation: 100 micrograms / inhalation, 200 micrograms / inhalation, 400 micrograms / inhalation.Spray solution for inhalation: 0.25 mg / 2 ml, 0.5 mg / 2 ml, 1 g / 2 mL.Storage
You must save the medication away from light and moisture at room temperature below 25 degrees Celsius.
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